November 6, 2010

The JQuery experience

The JQuery experience sounds like a Star Trek ride. lol.

The JQuery exercise was challenging. Creating a simple a tic-tac-toe game from scratch isn’t that simple, it took up a lot of time. At first I couldn’t get the Os and Xs to work on the game board. All I had was the blue horizontal lines and the blue vertical lines. Eventually I found out that I kept messing up on the html codes like missing a parenthesis here or a semi-colon there.

It would have been nice if we learn how to put a reset or restart button on our board game.

I also created another tic-tac-toe game by re-designing the Os and Xs for the tic-tac-toe board.

Overall I enjoyed doing this exercise.

November 2, 2010

Draggable Elements

This paragraph is draggable.

This one is not.