September 23, 2010

Internet and the Media

The internet has a big advantage over TV/radio/newspapers 'cuz it's available 24/7.

The Internet has affected the way people go about and get their daily info. Before it was just the basic radio, tv and paper circulations that people got their info.

In this country, it seems that the internet can provide uncensored info (most of the time) that's posted out there for anyone to read it, whereas TV/radio/newspapers are required to provide some censorship in how they provide their info to the masses.

Most newspaper companies usually print their paper(s) once a day, in the morning. So there's a wait for their updates.

Big cities has all-news radio stations, but they aren't doing news 24/7. The radio stations usually throw in talk-shows in the evenings to fill in the time slots, or use an automated music system to play thru-out the night.

In TV land, there are usually 2-3 time slots where they provide news to the masses. Heck, even the TV cable giants, CNN & FoxNews, don't have news on for 24/7.

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